Click HERE to view Book of Abstracts.
1. Oral presentation time duration: A total of 20 minutes has been allocated for each talk (unless you receive different instructions from your Session Chair). It is recommended that the talk be no longer than 15 minutes, allowing 5 minutes for questions and discussion. (The TIME may be subject to change if there are any cancellations in your session).
2. Poster presentation guidelines: We have guidelines for you when preparing your poster presentation for the MFST 2025 symposium. Please note the following:
(1) Poster boards will accommodate A0 size portrait posters: height 1189 mm (46.8 inches), width 841 mm (33.1 inches). Please ensure that your display will fit within these parameters.
(2) Title should be in bold. Author’s affiliations and e-mail addresses for should be included.
(3) Suggested font sizes are (for the A0 format): Main title: 78 pt (bold, upper case); Author: 72 pt (bold, title case); Affiliation(s): 48 pt (normal, title case); Email address: 36 pt (bold); Subheading: 36 pt (bold upper case); Body of text: 24 pt (normal). Smaller fonts may be used in citations and acknowledgement.
You can use this template for preparing the poster.
Click here to see the detailed scientific program.
The map below is of Nha Trang University, please follow the red arrow to get to HT1, G4 and G5 (main buildings for MFST 2025).